Terms of use, privacy and safety

Terms of use

These terms of use apply to the d5render.net website and all associated sites linked to ImagineY B.V. and its subsidiaries (collectively referred to as the "Site").

By using the Site, you agree to these terms of use.

ImagineY manages the following domain names:

  • for D5 Render: d5render.net; d5render.be; d5render.nl; d5-render.fr

Copyright and Intellectual Property

The material on our websites is the intellectual property of

  • D5 Render
  • or ImagineY B.V.
  • or the original author of the material

This material may not be copied, reproduced, republished, publicly displayed, encoded, translated, transmitted, or distributed (including 'mirroring') to another computer, server, website, or other medium for publication or distribution or for commercial purposes without permission.

Accuracy of Information

Our websites target Europe. The information on our sites is primarily valid within this territory. We strive to keep the information on our Site up-to-date and to correct any errors as quickly as possible. We cannot be held liable for financial claims or losses that might result from the content on our Site. The content of our Site may change at any time and without warning.

Feedback and Information

ImagineY B.V., Leeuwerikweg 54, 3140 Keerbergen, Belgium.

Privacy and safety

We respect your privacy and make every effort to protect your data. Below you will find information about the data we request and how we use it. You will also learn about your rights, who has access to your data, and how long we retain them.

Updated: May 2, 2024.

Data that ImagineY collects from you

When you purchase and/or activate a product, download a software update, sign up for a course, connect to our services, contact us (whether via social media or not), participate in an online survey, or otherwise interact with ImagineY, we may collect various data, including:

  • Contact information such as your name, address, telephone number, and email address or other contact details such as company name, address, and VAT number.
  • Account information, such as your email address and account status.
  • Payment information, such as your billing address and payment method.
  • Transaction data regarding purchases of products and services from ImagineY.
  • We also retain the license and serial numbers of the software you have purchased from us. We do this for practical reasons (to assist you when you cannot find your serial number) and also for security reasons (to prevent someone else from unjustly claiming your serial number).
  • Information about eligibility, for example, for student and teacher licenses.
  • Other data that you provide to us, such as the content of communications with ImagineY, contact with our customer service, and via social media.

Contact via Phone

If your phone number is in our customer database, our employees automatically see your customer details. We do this to provide better and faster service. It may happen that we add notes to your private data in our database during a call. This helps us better follow up on the conversation. We do not record our phone conversations.

Online Technical Support

We provide a form on our website that you can use to request technical assistance. You can only use this form if you have an account, which you can create for free. We use your private data solely to provide technical support. If the email address you use is also in our customer database, we link the two to respond more quickly and efficiently to technical queries.

Newsletters and Email

We send you various types of emails, for example, following your purchase or in response to a question you asked us. If you use one of our products and/or have a maintenance contract, you will also receive technical or commercial information related to it.

In addition, we also send general emails (we call these 'newsletters'), but only if you have subscribed to them (also known as 'opt-in'). When you subscribe to one of our newsletters, we only store the data needed to identify you. If you no longer wish to receive one of our newsletters, you can unsubscribe online.

Social Media

Of course, we appreciate it when you watch our videos on YouTube, like us on Facebook and Instagram, or follow us on LinkedIn. We show you useful ads on social media about our latest products or offers based on your interests. Indeed, this is done using cookies.

Cookies and Other Technologies

Our websites, online services, interactive applications, email messages, and advertisements may use cookies and other technologies such as pixel tags and web beacons.

When you fill out a form on our website, we automatically record your IP address (the internet identification number of your computer or handheld device). We do this to enhance the security of our website and to prevent spam.

Cookies are small (sometimes temporary) text files that help both you and us. If you want to fully utilize our websites, it is necessary for you to accept cookies.

  • Thanks to functional cookies, you do not need to repeatedly enter or download the same information each time you return to our site. They are also necessary for placing products in your shopping cart, logging in with your details, and watching our YouTube reviews. These functionalities would not work without cookies.
  • Analytical cookies help us understand how you use our sites and, more importantly, how we can make our websites better and more user-friendly.
  • Marketing cookies make your experience more personal and allow us to send offers that you are truly waiting for. Think of a personalized newsletter or specific offers on social media.

Deleting or Disabling Cookies

If you want to disable or delete cookies, please be aware that our website may not function optimally. Here you can find instructions for different browsers:

Your Rights (and Ours)

What are the legal grounds for using your data?

According to privacy legislation, we must state the "legal grounds" we have for using your data. We need your data due to contractual agreements between you and ImagineY, such as your purchase of a product or service. This includes:

  • preparing quotes
  • confirming an order
  • the delivery itself
  • technical support for using the product or service
  • training to learn how to use the product
  • technical information about the product
  • contractually required information about the service
  • Additionally, we may use your data under 'legitimate interest'. This means that we aim to provide all our customers with the most optimal, personalized service. This applies to:
    • surveys
    • contact with our customer service
    • visits to our website(s)
    • newsletters and emails
    • personalized advice
    • social media
    • webinars

We may also have a legal obligation to use your data, for example, when we suspect fraud. And sometimes, you have given us permission to use your data, such as when you sign up for a newsletter. We keep a neat record of this.

Who has access to your data?

Within our company, everyone has some level of access to your information. Our employees do everything they can to protect your privacy. In some cases, we also share your data with other parties:

  • Partners: When you purchase software from us, your data are shared with our partner, the manufacturer of the software.
  • Subcontractors: If we want to send you a physical item (such as a magazine), we often engage a processing company to do so.
  • Data management platforms, media and advertising agencies, and research firms: We occasionally hire external companies to assist us. We grant such parties access to the statistics of our website(s) and to our social media accounts.

Where do we store your data?

Your data may be stored in one of these places:

  • Paper archives. Proof of financial transactions (such as invoices) are not only stored digitally, but also in printed form. We keep these for at least 10 years, securely locked away.
  • Temporary paper prints. Sometimes a printout is simply more convenient. If such a printout contains private data, it is shredded after use.
  • Digitally. We store your data in databases with strict security measures. Therefore, your data are almost always stored within the European Union. In the rare case that customer data is transferred to countries outside the European Union, we ensure that your privacy is appropriately protected. For some countries, this is officially established. Some U.S. parties have registered under the Privacy Shield which provides adequate protection. Alternatively, we work with official model contracts specifically designed to safeguard your privacy.

How long do we keep your data?

The duration for which we retain your data depends on the relationship we have with you.

  • If you purchase a product or service. If you have software from us, we do not delete your data from our database. We do this for security reasons, so that no one can unjustly claim your license or serial number(s). Moreover, this allows you to benefit from interesting upgrade promotions even with older licenses.
  • If you request information. If you have never purchased anything and request information about our products or services, we register you in our database. If you remain inactive for more than ten years, we will delete your data.
  • When you request technical support. Support tickets you create via our online form are never deleted by us. This way, you retain an overview of the technical advice from our team.
  • If you subscribe to a newsletter. You can manage this subscription online yourself. We keep a copy of this subscription in our customer database.
  • When you apply for a job. We delete your application data no later than one month after the end of the application process. In some cases, we deviate from this, for example, if we want to contact you later for new job vacancies. However, we never do this without your consent. If you are hired, your application data is included in your contract.

Tax authorities require that our administration retains your invoice, payment, and order details for 10 years. After that, we only use anonymous data for internal reporting.

What are your rights?

You remain in control of your data. Would you like to access your personal data for free or receive a copy? Do you want to modify, delete, restrict the use of your data, or adjust your email preferences? No problem. Let us know by mail or email. In this way, you can also object to the use of your data for marketing purposes, or indicate that you believe your privacy outweighs our interest. In that case, we will review the situation again.

Unsubscribing from the newsletter is easy. You can do this via the link at the bottom of the newsletter itself. And if you want to stop receiving cookies altogether, you can manage that yourself. Read our cookie statement to find out how to do this.

We want to make sure it is really you. Therefore, we may ask for additional information to verify your identity. We do this also for unclear requests.

Questions about Privacy

For questions or complaints about your data and the protection of your privacy, you can contact our privacy officer by email at contact@imaginey.eu or by mail. You can find the addresses below, under the section "Who is responsible for your data."

If you are not satisfied with how ImagineY handles your privacy, you can contact the privacy authority.

Who is responsible for your data?

The controller of your personal data is ImagineY B.V., a Belgian company. All our employees, regardless of the country in which they are located, make their utmost effort to comply with local and European legislation regarding your privacy.

Company Identification
ImagineY B.V.
Leeuwerikweg 54
3140 Keerbergen

Secure Payment Environment

For some products and services, payment can only be made via a bank transfer. For other products and services, online payments are possible in a secure payment environment (SSL), which you can recognize by the green lock in your browser when making your payment. All financial information is handled and stored by us in a confidential and secure manner.